“May God, Who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Jesus Christ. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept each other, just as Christ has accepted you, so that God will be given glory.” Romans 15:5-7 NLT

Image may contain: sky, cloud, tree, outdoor and natureGod is at work in His people. He encourages us and gives us the patience to wait in hope for the fulfillment of His many promises. It is by His help that we can live in harmony one with another, and never is this harmony more beautiful than when we join together in giving praise and glory to God, Who has done so much for us and in us.

God always makes the first move. He planned and carried out the salvation of our souls, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ on our behalf. He has made faith the means by which we are included, and accepts all who have faith in Jesus Christ His Son. He has accepted all who have this faith, regardless of their background, their culture, their personality. We have no other grounds of acceptance with God, and yet, we have been accepted by Christ. And His word to us today is that we accept one another; accept those whom Christ has accepted, and glorify God together for His great kindness and mercy.

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